Nutrition in Pregnancy

nutrition during pregnancy; It is an issue that pregnant women and their relatives care about as much as doctors. There are many details in the nutrition of the expectant mother, but your main principle during pregnancy is,
Prefer the natural to the artificial. Whether you are pregnant or not, it is necessary to avoid prepared foods, canned foods, frozen foods. Natural foods should be consumed, ready-made drinks, ready-made soups and vegetables and fruits that are not in season should be avoided.

Prefer natural to artificial

The most important criterion in pregnant nutrition for the health of the mother and the healthy development of the baby is the naturalness of the nutrients.

Pregnancy is one of the most important stages in human life when nutrition is the most important. By eating adequate and balanced nutrition, acting in a planned manner, and keeping your physical activity at the appropriate level, you will both contribute to the development of your baby and prepare yourself for the changes that will occur in your body.

Pregnancy is the period in which human beings grow the fastest. During this period, the baby receives the necessary nutrients from its mother through the umbilical cord. Nutrition of the expectant mother during pregnancy is very important for the healthy development of the baby. Your nutritional habits should be reconsidered during pregnancy for reasons such as having a healthy pregnancy period for the mother, not experiencing some pregnancy-specific problems or getting through it more easily, having a more comfortable puerperium period, and having sufficient and high quality breast milk in the puerperium.

The average amount of weight gain recommended during pregnancy is 12-15 kilograms. This amount may vary according to the mother's height and pre-pregnancy weight.
If we accept the ideal amount of weight gain as 12 kg on average, 4 kilos of this should be in the first half of the pregnancy and the remaining 8 kilos should be in the second half of the pregnancy.

You should consume 3 main meals and 3 snacks during pregnancy. At least 2.5 liters of water should be consumed per day. Increasing the number of meals during pregnancy and taking the same amount of food will prevent problems such as nausea, heartburn, gas accumulation in the intestines, bloating, indigestion, as it will prevent the stomach from being overfilled, and will make your digestive system work better.

You should get enough calcium for the development of our baby's skeletal system and teeth. This can be achieved by taking 1-2 glasses of pasteurized milk per day in addition to a balanced diet.
If you cannot drink milk, you can also consume dairy products such as yoghurt, ayran and cheese. But as there is more calcium in milk, proteins in milk and milk sugar called lactose are also very beneficial during pregnancy. It is not recommended because some fat-soluble vitamins are lost in skimmed milk.

You should consume small fish with high phosphorus content such as anchovies, sardines, or medium-sized fish such as sea bream and sea bass at least 1-2 times a week. Deep water fish and large fish are not recommended as they contain heavy metals and mercury. Those who cannot eat fish should use Omega 3 capsules.

The biggest cause of nausea and vomiting at the beginning of pregnancy is the increased pregnancy hormone in the blood, that is, the growth of your baby. So there is not much that can be done. Only fluid deficit and mineral deficit can be replaced. Foods that increase salivation; Foods such as saltine crackers, cheese-bread, quince, green apple, plum, chickpea, lemon, lemon soda, ginger can reduce your nausea and vomiting.

If you have heartburn and reflux complaints, you should consume your meals little by little and often. Avoid oily, spicy and spicy foods. You should not eat an hour before going to bed and if necessary you can use double pillows while sleeping. You can suppress stomach juices by avoiding caffeinated drinks, wearing comfortable clothes and walking after meals.

If you have a constipation problem, you should consume legumes 2-3 times a week and drink at least 10 glasses of water a day. At the same time, you can eat dried apricots, figs and plums in the morning before breakfast.

* Do not use cigarettes and alcohol. Do not be exposed to cigarette smoke.
* Reduce the consumption of beverages such as tea and coffee and prefer buttermilk, milk and freshly squeezed fruit juices instead. Drink the tea clear and with lemon.
* Stay away from acidic, cola drinks and diet products. Use sugar instead of artificial sweeteners like saccharin or aspartame.
* Consume delicatessen products such as sausage, salami, sausage, bacon sparingly.
* Use iodized salt in meals. Cook food without salt.
* Consume fries, sweets, pastries as little as possible.
* Avoid raw meats such as raw meatballs, smoked salmon and sushi during pregnancy due to the danger of 'toxoplasmosis'.
* Unwashed vegetables and fruits, no matter how natural they are, are inconvenient for you. Do not consume vegetables, fruits and legumes without washing them thoroughly.

* Do not consume carrots too much, as they contain a lot of vitamin A.

* Stay away from offal.

* Grapefruit juice, sage tea, chamomile and green tea should not be consumed too much as they have uterine relaxant effects.

Nutrition of the expectant mother during pregnancy is very important for the healthy development of the baby.

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