Tests to be Done During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a miraculous situation and a process that the expectant mother should be conscious of.

Various tests and tests should be done at different periods from the beginning of the pregnancy to the end. In fact, it is more appropriate for some tests to be done before pregnancy, when couples decide to become pregnant, that is, for couples to receive pre-pregnancy counseling. Some tests also need to be done at certain weeks of pregnancy.


For this reason, these tests should be followed carefully during pregnancy and their time should not be missed. Some of the tests done during pregnancy are routinely done in every pregnant woman, and some tests are done only in some cases.


Apart from this, every month in the first 32 weeks, 32nd-36th. An ultrasound and doctor's examination is required every 15 days between weeks and at least once a week after the 36th week.

These tests are the tests performed at the first application of the couple to the doctor. The most correct thing is for couples to consult a doctor before pregnancy occurs and when they decide to become pregnant, and analyzes are done at this meeting. Because, according to some abnormalities that can be detected in these tests, precautions can be taken before pregnancy begins. However, most of the couples apply to the doctor after pregnancy occurs (menstrual delay). In this first meeting, female genital organs are evaluated with gynecological examination and ultrasonography. If it has not been done in the last 1 year, the PAP Smear test should be performed. General systemic examination can also be performed and, if necessary, consultation with the relevant branch specialist can be made in the presence of abnormality. Analyzes made at the first examination:

– Complete blood count (Hemogram)

– Mother and father blood groups: To take precautions if blood incompatibility is detected.

-Indirect Coombs test if there is blood incompatibility

– Complete urinalysis (Urine culture if necessary)

– TSH: If the mother has goiter and thyroid hormone disorder, it may affect the baby. If the disorder is detected, it requires treatment by an endocrinologist.

– Toxoplasma IgM and IgG: It is a screening test for a parasitic infection transmitted from feces of cats and dogs, raw meat, poorly washed vegetables.

– Rubella IgM- IgG: Tests showing whether the rubella vaccine is effective, whether there is an acute infection

-HBsAg for Hepatitis B: If hepatitis is detected in the mother, Hepatitis B Ig serum is applied to the baby after birth to prevent transmission to the baby.

– HCV test

– HIV (AIDS) testing

– VDRL testing for syphilis is not routinely required but can be done.

– HbA1C test showing fasting blood sugar or average sugar level in the last 3 months in patients at risk for diabetes

– Biochemistry (cholesterol, kidney and liver, etc) tests

After the 11th week of pregnancy, in the ultrasound examination, the baby's nuchal translucency (NT), CRL (Head-rump length), nasal bone (NB) are measured and a double test (blood analysis) is performed. The reason why it is called dual screening test is to examine 2 parameters. Since it is a probability test, if the risk is more than the limit value, more comprehensive tests such as amniocentesis should be performed. This test is 11-14. It can be done between the 14th week and cannot be done after the 14th week.

Yaklaşık 10 -12 aydır kullanılan Prenatal Gebelik testi ile de kromozomal bozukluklar tespit edebilebilir. Gebeliğin 9. haftasından itibaren sadece anne kanı ile yapılabildiği için tamamen güvenli bir testtir. Testle annenin kanından, bebeğe ait hücrelerin içindeki DNA’dan alınan parçalar incelenip, kromozomları sayı ve yapı olarak inceleyebiliyorsunuz. Bu tanı testinden çıkan sonuçlar %98-99 orarnında doğru sonuç verebiliyor. Tek sorunu ve şu an çok yaygın olmamasnın nedeni ise maddi yönü.

Between these weeks, a triple test or a quad test is done.

If the results of the double, triple or quadruple tests are risky, further examination can be performed by performing amniocentesis (entering the mother's womb with an ultrasound-guided needle and removing water from the fluid in which the baby is present). The reason why amniocentesis is not performed for everyone is that it is risky and may lead to infant loss.

– The 75 g glucose challenge test is done between 24-28 weeks. In patients who missed these weeks and came in the following weeks, the patient's predisposition to diabetes can be evaluated by checking the fasting and postprandial blood sugar.

– If there is blood incompatibility between the parents, IDC (indirect Coombs test) is performed at the 28th week and if this test is negative, it shows that there is no effect due to blood incompatibility between the mother and the baby. If there is an influence (if the indirect coombs test is positive), the extent of the baby's influence is investigated with further examinations.

The above-mentioned are routine tests performed in almost every pregnant woman. In some cases that occur during pregnancy and in some diseases, other tests may be required apart from the above tests.

Blood count, complete urinalysis should be repeated.

After the 32nd week of pregnancy, especially in the last weeks, NST (non stress test, Fetal Monitor) is taken in cases where the baby is suspected to be in distress and in case of day-out (the estimated date of birth has passed).

Doppler Ultrasonography measurement is another test performed for further evaluation when some risky conditions regarding the baby are detected.

Regular follow-ups and tests are very important for you to have a healthy pregnancy.


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