Genetic Diagnosis

Noninvasive Prenatal Diagnostic Tests

These tests, briefly called NIPT, are next-generation genetic tests. They are used to identify congenital defects and family-carried diseases and chromosomal abnormalities during pregnancy. Today, it is absolutely done in high-risk pregnancies and advanced age pregnancies. They are quality tests that will replace all other tests in subsequent years.

Although the only method used to examine the DNA characteristics of the baby, it sometimes puts the continuation of the pregnancy at risk; it depended on sampling the baby's placenta or amniotic fluid or even the baby's blood. It is known that these practices carry a risk of preterm birth on pregnancy. In the NIPT examination, it is sufficient to evaluate the fetal blood cells already mixed with the mother's blood. As with any laboratory test, blood is drawn from the arm of the expectant mother. This test poses no risk to both the baby and the expectant mother. It allows us to learn diseases such as Down Syndrome, Trisomy 18, Trisomy 13, familial inherited Cystic Fibrosis, Hemophilia and the sex of the baby. The NIPT accuracy rate is incomparably higher than other screening tests.
Dr. Aral Ozbal

It can be done between 10-22 weeks of pregnancy. Although the test is suitable for all pregnant women, many insurance companies and health institutions do not cover the cost of the test.
