After embryo transfer prepared for couples applying for IVF treatment, the remaining embryos are closely followed by embryologists. Those who are suitable for freezing are selected and the couple is informed and frozen, provided that their written consent is obtained.
Freezing and storage is done in liquid nitrogen (-196°C). When frozen embryos need to be thawed, they are removed from the liquid nitrogen tank and allowed to thaw at room temperature. It is followed in culture medium and the embryos that look good on the same day are transferred to the expectant mother.
Dondurulan embriyoların uygun bir biçimde dondurulması ve çözülmesini takiben canlı kalma oranları %95 civarındadır. Kabaca dondurulan her 10 embriyonun yaklaşık 9 tanesi çözüldüğünde transfer edilebilir durumdadır. Tüp bebek tedavisi başarısızlıkla sonuçlanırsa veya gebelik düşükle sonlanırsa bu embriyolar tekrar kullanım için uygundur.
Dr. Aral Ozbal
Sometimes, if the couple later wants to have a second baby, frozen embryos belonging to the couple are thawed and transferred. Thus, long-term hormone therapy is prevented for the woman and a more affordable cost is encountered as all the necessary stages in the IVF process will be skipped.