Male Infertility Causes and Treatment Approaches

In the article titled Causes of male infertility and treatment approaches, I will first examine the cause of a common belief among the people, then evaluate the ways to give up on it, and after believing it, I will touch on the causes and treatment approaches in the next issue.

What is Infertility?

Infertility is the condition in which a married couple does not become pregnant without using any contraception (contraceptive method) for one year. In other words, infertility is a situation in which pregnancy does not occur, even though the man or woman wants a child without using any contraceptive method and has regular sexual intercourse. There are two important points that should be known and emphasized here; Regular sex for one year is essential to this definition, as couples separated for a year after marriage do not fall under this definition.

A healthy man and a healthy woman are necessary for pregnancy to occur. For this reason, infertility research is now carried out for couples and simultaneously. In the past, it was believed that the female factor was more in infertility, and for many years only women were considered. Even those living in many regions of our country, even in big cities, continue this belief or belief.
Whether in rural areas or in big cities, the concepts of fertility (fertility ability) and potency (Male sexual function = power) are confused even in men and women. As it is known, potency and fertility are two separate functions and they have two different mechanisms. In fact, while potency is essential for fertility, fertility is not essential for potency. The male genitalia contains three separate systems consisting of very fine and sensitive mechanisms. What are they 1) the last part of the urine output system 2) the circulatory system that creates potency and provides hardness and softening 3) It is a part of the fertility mechanism that ends with semen ejaculation and can contain sperm in varying proportions.
Correction of the misconception among the public can only be achieved by knowing this detail. There is no rule that a man with normal sexual function cannot be infertile because these are two separate mechanisms. In short, couples should definitely deal with infertility simultaneously, and both the gynecologist and the urologist should address this couple.

As it is known, infertility exists from the beginning, which we call primary infertility. There are also couples who have children but do not have children when they want a second or third child, which we call secondary infertility. In particular, this situation causes people to waste time and money for years because when the male factor is mentioned, you are faced with the answer "How come I have a child in my manhood". Or even more sadly, in this case, there are those who start to have doubts about their spouses, the number of which is not less than my experience.
It is worth repeating that a man's ability to be a father and his sexual function are two different mechanisms. Even if one mechanism works well, there may be a problem or problems with the other mechanism.
The biggest problem of newly married couples is the pressure of the close circle and family. Many couples have experienced these pressures in one way or another and to varying degrees. Unfortunately, due to our human relations and family structure, we perceive interfering in each other's private life as a normal behavior pattern, however, whether or not to have children concerns the private life of couples. Do you constantly hear about the baby from the mother, father, relatives and close circle? You hear questions like when are you having children easily and often. Although such interventions should not be made due to the rules of society and the principles of private family life, these questions and problems will continue before our intellectual level reaches a certain level. We must learn to live with it, since we cannot suddenly change our social habits and clash with every single person who asks questions. The number of couples who do not have children, who are visited by an elder before consulting a doctor, or who come with an elder, or even brought by force from their neighbors, is proof of this fact.

Bir hekim olarak bu durumlarda genç çiftlere bazı önerilerim olacak. Bir yılınızı doldurmadan kısırlık durumunuz var şeklinde yorum yapıp kendinizi üzmeyin çünkü normal çiftlerin yaklaşık %80’i ancak bir yıl içinde gebe kalabilirler. Eğer bu önemli noktaya dikkat etmez kendinizi üzerseniz çocuk olmaması için bazı psikolojik ve mekanik nedenler hazırlamış olursunuz. Bir yılını doldurup doktora gitmek istediğinizde eşinizle ve yalnız olarak gidin. Gerek sizin rahatınız gerekse hekimin tanı koyup tedavi etme aşamasında daha verimli olması için bu önemli bir detaydır. Sadece etraftan aldığınız sınırlı bilgi ve tavsiye ile değil kendiniz araştırma yaparak hekim seçin. Şetçiğiniz hekime güvenin ve onun tavsiyelerini uygulayın. Bir de aklınıza gelen sorular ya da yapmasını istediğiniz ek bir şey varsa hekiminize mutlaka bildirin. Hekim ve hasta arasında doğru ve seviyeli diyalog, hem sizin tanı ve tedavinizin daha iyi yapılmasını hem de hekimin size ve isteklerinize olan inancını önemli ölçüde olumlu yönde etkileyecektir.

The cost effect, which even changes the course of medicine all over the world, is gaining more and more importance day by day. In our century, where time is very valuable thanks to technological developments, whether it is money spent or time spent, it should be tried to be minimized as much as possible. In such a case, not only economy but also ergonomics can be mentioned. In short, anything that is not ergonomic is not truly economical.

Finally, I would like to know that the female and male factors are equal in terms of the absence of pregnancy and infertility, and I would like to remind that the couples should be handled simultaneously ergonomically. In this case, the woman should go to a gynecologist and the man to a urologist. In the next article, we will consider the causes of male infertility.

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