During pregnancy and childbirth, the body weighs about 9-12 kilograms. An excessive weight gain can have undesirable consequences for both the mother and the baby.
Therefore, it is necessary to prepare for the birth physically as well as psychologically.
Exercises to be done during pregnancy will make it easier for you to return to your normal weight after giving birth.
Exercises should be started in the 5th or 6th month of pregnancy. However, if your doctor deems it appropriate, you can start these exercises in the 4th month.
Relaxation exercises have benefits both during pregnancy and childbirth: it increases blood flow to the placenta during pregnancy, eliminates stress during childbirth and helps you cope with pain.
Exercises should be done every day, starting slowly and increasing to at least 20 minutes a day.
The purpose of exercises during pregnancy is to provide "fearless birth", not "painless birth" as it is often misinterpreted.
All these movements activate the raw muscles. Exercise during pregnancy aims to manage the muscle groups that surround the hips, abdomen and legs, which affect the birth of the pregnant woman and provide a comfortable and deep cold.
Exercise during pregnancy is beneficial for the health of the baby as well as shortening and facilitating the birth.'
Significantly reduces labor pains'
It serves beauty as well as health. It provides nourishment to the skin by regulating blood circulation, corrects posture, teaches you to know your body, and thus, by removing fear, it provides self-confidence. Cardiovascular, respiratory, kidney and' thyroid' Diseases Diabetes (Uncontrollable Type 1' Diabetes) History of miscarriage, premature birth (premature birth), fetal growth retardation and cervical insufficiency (cervical insufficiency) Hypertension (high blood pressure),' vaginal' bleeding, decreased baby movements, anemia, breech presentation, placenta' prop' (baby's wife downstairs)
Situations where exercise may be undesirable:
Cardiovascular,' respiratory,' kidney and' thyroid' diseases
sugar disease (ControlType 1 that cannot be Diabetes)
miscarriage, premature birth (early birth), fetalgrowth retardation and cervical insufficiency (cervical failure)history
hypertension (highblood pressure), vaginal' bleeding,decrease in baby movements, anemia, breech' arrival,placenta prop' (your babyhaving a spouse below
Do not make the exercises tiring. Our aim is not to tire you out, on the contrary, to rejuvenate you.'
For this job, you will need a well-ventilated, warm room, a large mirror where you can check yourself, a clean blanket to lay under you, and a stool. You should wear very light clothes such as a thin bra and panties or thin pajamas.'
Urinate before you start exercising.'
Do not use your exercise watch, doorbell or telephone, etc. Find a time when you won't be disturbed by things. You do not need to rest after exercise.'
It is very important that you work regularly and systematically. At first, do each movement 2-3 times for 5-10 minutes, then up to 15-20 minutes a day. Even if you work for an hour after taking a break from exercise for a few days to make up for this loss, you won't gain anything.'
Mothers who work and say that they cannot spare time for such tasks due to the multitude of jobs can do many of the movements shown below while working, going to the office or even while they are resting.'
In case of any pain, stop the exercise immediately.'
Do not lie flat on your back, especially in the last period of pregnancy.'
The basic posture you should learn first in these special exercises:
Give your back a little back and bring your stomach out. Then straighten your hips by tensing your muscles. Meanwhile, the abdominal muscles should be kept as tense as possible.'
Pull your hips up, one right and one left, while keeping your waist straight up.'
Make circles by lifting one foot to the side. Then cross over to your other foot' a few' Repeat the same movement over and over. The point you should pay attention to is that the upper part of your body remains motionless.'
one foot forward you can liftlift it up, then swing it back. During rocking, the legs should be bent. Repeat the movement with the other leg.
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These movements will strengthen your abdominal muscles and your back will be more flexible.
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Lie on the floor and open both arms to the sides at the shoulder line. Pull one knee towards you and move it left and right. Keep other parts of your body still. Repeat the movement with your other knee. | |
In the same way, lie down on the floor and this time move both knees towards you and move them to the right and left. While doing these exercises, keep your waist up and your head still. |
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Sit with your back straight, press the soles of your feet together and pull your heels towards you, Holding your ankles, press your elbows into your thighs. Hold like this for 20 seconds, repeat this several times. |
Stand with your legs slightly apart and face the chair. Keeping your back straight, spread your legs and squat with support from the chair. Comfortable' you can stand' stay in this state for as long as If you have trouble keeping your feet flat on the ground, you can place a blanket under your heels. You may feel dizzy when standing up so get up slowly |
Lie on your back, bend your knees and plant the soles of your feet on the floor. Now, while urinating, tighten your hip muscles as if you are holding your urine, and repeat this stably. Then hold it for a while and release it slowly. You can practice this exercise while doing your daily work. |
Thanks to the implementation of the exercises, the hip muscles are strengthened and unwanted complaints such as urinary incontinence' preventable' and it will be easier for you to open your legs to the sides at birth.
Lie down comfortably. If you wish, you can lie on your back, supported by pillows or by bending one leg and putting a cushion under it. Now alternately contract and relax the muscles in each part of your body. Start with your toes and work your way up. After doing this for 8-10 minutes, leave your body like an empty sack. |
If you know how to breathe and how to relax your muscles, you will adapt to contractions during labor and not waste your energy.
As the pregnancy progresses, the oxygen needs of the mother and child organism increase. As the baby grows, the blood volume of the pregnant woman increases. Therefore, the maternal breathing technique' if not develop' both' itself' and the baby suffers from a shortage of oxygen. This causes fatigue in the mother and developmental disorders in the baby. The breathing technique will also protect you from painful fear cramps during labor. The aims of this technique are to teach you how to breathe, how to breathe from your lungs and stomach, how to keep as much air as possible in your lungs, how to increase it to 25 when you breathe normally 16-18 breaths per minute. The first point you should familiarize yourself with when starting your breathing exercises is to inhale with your mouth closed and exhale when open. Never breathe in haste to fill your lungs more quickly and with large volumes of air. Otherwise it will be the opposite of what you want. If you breathe quickly, but deeply, you can fill your lungs with more air. The rhythm of breathing work is adjusted according to the increase and decrease of pain, that is, pain' with' breath is taken.
Before giving birth, do breathing exercises with your partner and friend. Breathe regularly and slowly. Make a sound like a sigh as you exhale
light breathing
This type of breathing is helpful when the pain is at its peak. Inhale and exhale slowly from your mouth to the upper parts of the lungs. Your partner should be able to feel your bones move as you breathe by placing his hand on your shoulder blades. Try to breathe in and out lightly, but you can take deep breaths once in a while if you need to.' |
deep breathing
This type of breathing is comforting at the beginning and end of contractions. Sit comfortably and relax. Inhale deeply from your nose to the bottom of your lungs. Your partner can sense that your rib cage is moving by placing his hands on the sides of your waist. Now concentrate on exhaling lightly. Then breathe in and out naturally.
frequent breathing
During labor pains, a feeling of straining may occur even if the cervix is not fully opened. To avoid this, take two short breaths in a row and exhale this at once. |
Correct breathing technique will protect you from painful fear cramps during labor.